2018. Cutting and reassembling negatives with tape makes the image take on a new structure. The bubbles of tape add texture, and in the lower image, the addition of a photogram of a wire mesh covers the man's eyes.
Some of my first images developed in the dark room in 2018. Diptychs create a storyline.
Left: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Kalitype, '22
Right: Arnold Arboretum, Kalitype, '22
Photoshop Constructed Positive on Pictorico 'Paper', '22
Selected Works
Exquisite CorpseConceptual Photography
GardensClient Work
HeadshotsClient Work
Bodies SeriesPainting
SatelliteScreenshotsConceptual Photography
Towel StandFurniture
Lounge ChairFurniture
Laser Cut VesselsObject
Urban EcologiesPhotography
Misc. FilmPhotography
Neponset Estuary SanctuaryLandscape Architecture
First Year FinalArchitecture
Dark RoomPhotography
Mold As MediumConceptual